nav_algo.SailSensors module

Bases: object

This class contains the object of the ADC to be used by other classes for analog devices.

This function reads the ADC present on the I2C bus.


gain (int) – The gain of the sensor input.

Bases: object

This class is used to create a new instance of an I2C sensor module for communication. It also contains functions to communicate with the module.

Sends a hexadecimal-command list to the desired component. The function then waits for and retrieves a response from the device with a length based on the parameters.

  • send (list) – a list of bytes (sends this list of hexadecimal commands).

  • recieve (int) – the amount of bytes in a list to retrieve from the device.


a list of bytes with length of int recieve.

Return type


Sends a hexadecimal list to the desired component.


msg (list) – list of bytes (needs to be a list of hexadecimal commands specific to the device).

Reads a block of data from the i2c device register.

  • bytenumber (int) – the number of bytes you would like to read from the device’s register.

  • offset (int) – integer value for the byte offset of data collection from the register.

Writes a block of data from the i2c device register.

  • msg (list) – list of bytes to send.

  • offset (int) – integer value for the byte offset of data collection from the register.

Bases: nav_algo.SailSensors.ADCDevice

SailAnemometer implements a class used to connect the component to it’s proper communication protocol. This class also implements functions to return raw data and turn on/off the sensors.

Returns the given voltage of the anemometer using the ADC.


gain (int) – the multiplication value of the voltage

Bases: object

SailEncoder implements a class used to connect the component to it’s proper communication protocol. This class also implements functions to return raw data and turn on/off the sensors.

Bases: object

SailGPS implements a class used to connect the component to it’s proper communication protocol. This class also implements functions to return raw data and turn on/off the sensors.

Bases: nav_algo.SailSensors.I2CDevice

SailIMU implements a class used to connect the component to it’s proper communication protocol. This class also implements functions to return raw data and turn on/off the sensors.

Reads the IMU and returns a list of 12 bytes representing euler angles.

Bases: object

Superclass used to create a UARTDevice. Contians various functions for communication