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About the Navigation Team

The Navigation Subteam works with the boat’s electrical and software components. They work on PCB design, sensor integration, sailing algorithms, computer vision, power management, radio communication, and servo motor control.

Competition Events

CUSail competes in the annual Sailbot International Robotic Sailing Regatta. We generally do not compete in all eight of the events (e.g. the mechanical team does not design the boat to be able to compete in payload). Below is a summary of all events; however, full details, including scoring, see the Sailbot Events Page.

Presentation Each team will present their project to a panel of experts in the areas of control theory, systems engineering, and naval architecture. Twenty minutes are allowed for the presentation and ten for Q&A.
Fleet Race The boats will sail between two buoys (Start/Finish Line) and then sail around two other buoys before returning to the Start/Finish Line. Remote control must be used for steering. All boats will sail together.
Endurance The boats will sail around 4 buoys (passing within 10m inside of buoy is okay) for up to 7 hours.
Station Keeping The boat will enter a 40 x 40 m box and attempt to stay inside the box for 5 minutes. It must then exit within 30 seconds to avoid a penalty.
Precision Navigation The boat will start between two buoys and then will autonomously sail a course around two buoys and then return between the two start buoys.
Payload Each boat starts between two buoys and will load a (non -human) cargo of their choice and sail around a buoy and return. RC or autonomous control is allowed.
Collision Avoidance The boat will start between two buoys and will sail autonomously on a reach to another buoy and return. Sometime during the trip a manned boat will approach on a collision course. RC is not permitted after the start.
Search An orange buoy will be placed somewhere within 100 m of a reference position. The boat must locate, touch, and signal* such within 10 minutes of entering the search area. RC is not allowed after entering the search area. (*Signal means 1) white strobe on boat and/or signal to a shore station and 2) either turn into wind or assume station-keeping mode.)

How-To Guides

Sensor Integration

Raspberry Pi


Sailing Algorithm
